If you have ever wanted to code an application with Angular this is your chance. Join us for a fun filled day of learning Angular in this hands-on workshop. You will go from 0 to 60 with your Angular knowledge and be able to create our own Angular applications by the end of this workshop. We will start with a new project and continue to build up the project until we have a full application at the end.

Topics Covered

  • What is Angular and the different parts that make up Angular?
  • Angular CLI Overview
  • Angular project layout overview
  • Creating common components like headers, footers, and menus.
  • Applying CSS to just a single component vs the whole site
  • Creating new components (pages)
  • Routing between components (pages)
  • Calling an external http service
  • Preparing your application for deployment
  • Testing overview (if time permits and our brains aren't already full with Angular knowledge)

Pre-Requisite Knowledge:

  • Html and CSS
  • Understanding of how events like click work in Html/JavaScript
  • TypeScript is helpful but we will cover the needed knowledge if you do not have any TypeScript experience


  • Node LTS 6.x (https://nodejs.org)
  • Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com)
  • Angular CLI (npm install -g @angular/cli)
  • Create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI
    • Open Command Prompt or Terminal
    • Navigate to c:\ on Windows and ~/ on Osx
    • Run: mkdir projects
    • Run: cd projects
    • Run: ng new ng2ws --style scss --routing
    • Run: ng serve
    • Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200 and you should see the default web page for your Angular application